Behavior Policy

Every person must cooperate and follow school rules to maintain a school environment that is both conducive to learning and enables each child to reach his/her full potential.
Failure to follow the rules may result in one or more of the following consequences:
- Warning
- Time-out
- Note or phone call from the teacher to parent(s)
- Visitation to another classroom with work
- Disciplinary action by the Principal or Assistant Principal
- It is the responsibility of every person to help keep the school clean, calm and orderly.
- Respect all students and adults.
- Respect rights and property of others.
- Fighting will NOT be tolerated and may be grounds for immediate suspension.
- Weapons or TOY weapons are NOT permitted on school grounds and may be cause for suspension or expulsion per LAUSD policy.
- Skateboards, skates, yoyos, and other toys are not permitted at school.
- Radios, Walkmans and headphones are not permitted at school.
- Electronic games and all toys including Pokemon cards are not permitted at school.
- Students are not to leave school unless checked out to an adult by the office.
- No gum chewing or eating in classrooms or on the yard.
- Classrooms, bathrooms, and the playground are to be kept neat and clean.
- Vulgar or profane language is not tolerated.
- Students are to be in class when school starts. When a child is absent or tardy, he/she must bring a note.
- Missing the bus or waking up late is an unexcused absence. Tardiness is a larger problem than we realize. A child who is habitually 15 minutes late misses as much as 8½ full days of learning time each year and creates a disturbance upon entering class causing others to lose valuable time.
- Taking money or possessions from other students through force or threats will be grounds for immediate suspension
- Everyone will show respect for private property.
- Students who ride the bus are expected to demonstrate good behavior and follow all bus rules.
- Upon reaching school, children are to report to the playground and stay in the gated area. No one is to remain outside the gates before or after school.
- When the bell announcing the beginning of school rings, children are to be in their line-up area.
- Students are to leave for home immediately after school unless they have permission to stay on the after school playground.
- Each child is expected to follow the standards established in his/her classroom. It is important to listen to and follow the directions of teachers and aides.
- Walk to and from the assigned game area.
- Stay in the assigned game area.
- Play the games according to established rules.
- Sit on a bench or stand at your area when not participating in the games.
- Keep sharp objects such as pencils and combs out of game areas.